Course Descriptions

CET 101Introduction to Educational Technology
Credit: (3+0+2) 4 ECTS: 6
Introduction to the discipline of educational technology; discussion of constitutive problems of education and technology; developing a critical perspective on the relationship of education and technology; analysis of technologies with educational implications.
CET 102Information Systems in Education and Information Design
Credit: (3+0+2) 4 ECTS: 8
Computer hardware. Concepts of data, information, and knowledge, and their interrelations. Data modeling and introduction to database. Information theory; information design and principles. Information systems and their application in education. Message types and design; ergonomy and usability concepts. Web design and web design editors; HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), and graphic editors. Message design for the internet and audio/visual media.
CET 111Orientation to Educational Technology
Credit: (1+0+0) 1 ECTS: 2
Introduction to the University, Faculty, Department, and the Program. Issues related to student adjustment to academic life. Extent of the field and career options.
CET 215Education and Technology
Credit: (2+0+2) 3 ECTS: 7
History of technology in learning environments; principles and formats of technology use. Analysis and critique of technology usage in education in light of current learning theories. Designing authentic usage of technologies in education.
CET 224Visualization in Education
Credit: (2+0+2) 3 ECTS: 8
Examination of static and dynamic visual materials in education: video, animation, simulation, virtual reality and graphics. Principles of visual communication and interaction; formats in visual media such as 2D and 3D. Design, development and evaluation of visual educational media. Interactive video development technologies and their applications.
CET 282Principles and Methods of Instruction in Computer Education and Educational Technology
Credit: (2+0+2) 3 ECTS: 6
Basic concepts and principles of planning in instruction. Learning theories and strategies. Elements of the learning environment and the role of the educational technologist in the learning environment.
CET 301Visual Programming Platforms in Education
Credit: (2+0+2) 3 ECTS: 6
Developing educational software using programming languages. Current visual programming languages and their comparison. Principles and concepts of object-oriented programming. Access to data sources and development of database applications. Using multi-tier applications to access data. Developing applications for mobile devices, and using an extensible markup language (XML).
CMPE 150
CET 314Computer Networks and Communication
Credit: (2+0+2) 3 ECTS: 8
Origins of computer networks, their constitutive problems and current solutions; designing, examining and maintaining local area networks. The structure of the internet and its applications.
CET 102
CET 321Introduction to Database Management Systems
Credit: (2+0+2) 3 ECTS: 6
Data and data modeling. Relational and object oriented data modeling. Logical database design. Data integrity, normalization, and entity-relationship (ER) diagrams. Structured query language (SQL). Using SQL as data definition and data manipulation language. Database management systems. Analyzing and comparing current database management systems. Physical database design. Database optimization. Use of databases within the scope of educational projects.
CMPE 150
CET 322Programming for the Internet
Credit: (3+0+2) 4 ECTS: 8
Programming languages used on the internet. Introduction to client-server architecture. Examining languages for client and server side programming. Integrated development environments and editors for internet programming. Concept and usage of "cookies." Sending HTTP requests and responses; connecting and manipulating data sources over the internet. Developing dynamic internet applications for educational purposes.
CET 301, CET 321
CET 341Instructional Design
Credit: (2+0+2) 3 ECTS: 7
Analysis of instructional environment, learner, content and organization; identification of educational aims; writing instructional objectives; instructional theories and strategies; choosing and developing materials appropriate to objectives, content and environment, designing instruction; developing, applying and evaluating instruction using instructional design theories.
CET 282, CET 224 or CET 215
CET 360Instructional Technologies and Material Development
Credit: (2+0+2) 3 ECTS: 5
The concepts and principles of educational technology as an integrated part of teaching and learning process. Basic information technology skills. Selection, development, implementation and evaluation of media with regard to learning theories. Employment of laboratories; audio-visual means, slides, graphs, films and printed materials; computer software including simulations, tutorials, drills, interactive learning environments, microworlds, intelligent systems and multimedia.
CET 372Design and Development of Multimedia
Credit: (2+0+2) 3 ECTS: 6
Multimedia technologies; theories and applications. Examining numerous interaction concepts and types. Educational game design: components of educational games; writing and developing scenarios, using animations and simulations. Development of instructional multimedia using authoring languages: screen design; use of image, audio, video, and speech. User navigation; packaging, publishing, and evaluating instructional multimedia.
CET 341
CET 401Research Methods in Educational Technology
Credit: (3+0+0) 3 ECTS: 6
Introduction to qualitative and quantitative research; concepts and principles of quantitative research, data collection procedures and techniques, and data analysis. Examination of contemporary studies. Designing a research proposal.
CET 431Project Development and Management
Credit: (2+0+2) 3 ECTS: 6
Principles and processes of project management: project planning, budgeting, and monitoring; risk management, time and resource management. Project evaluation and reporting. Project development and management concepts and tools.
CET 441Principles of Distance Education
Credit: (3+0+0) 3 ECTS: 6
History of distance education; instructional environments using distance education; technologies used in distance education: TV, video, radio and written materials; techniques and methods used in planning, preparing and applying these technologies.
CET 341, CET 372
CET 444Community Service in Educational Technology
Credit: (1+0+2) 2 ECTS: 5
Project selection, planning, development, implementation, evaluation and reporting for formal and non-formal educational organizations.
CET 451Teaching Practice I
Credit: (2+1+3) 4 ECTS: 6
Observation of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) instruction at school; design of instructional resources, units, and lesson plans; supervised student teaching in school settings.
Succesfully completing at least 80 credits and all the first-year courses in the program.
CET 462Teaching Practice II
Credit: (2+1+3) 4 ECTS: 7
Observation of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) instruction at school; design of instructional resources, units, and lesson plans; planning and implementing a lesson independently; supervised student teaching in school settings.
CET 451
CET 472Courseware Development: Design, Development and Evaluation
Credit: (2+0+3) 4 ECTS: 8
Design, development and implementation of educational software. Organization of computer based learning environments. Evaluating educational software in light of human-computer interaction research and contemporary learning theories.
CET 372
CET 480-489Special Topics in Computer Education and Educational Technology
Credit: (3+0+0) 3 ECTS: 3
Special Topics on Current Trends in Computer Education and Educational Technology.
CET 490-499Special Studies in Computer Education and Educational Technology
Credit: (3+0+0) 3 ECTS: 3
Special studies in the area of Computer Education and Educational Technology